Outgoing Pulse Minutes
Outgoing pulse minutes
All calls on Superfone are of 60-second pulse. 1 pulse minute is equal to nearest rounded up minute. Example: if a call is under 60 seconds, it is counted as 1 minute. If a call is for 1 min 2 seconds, it is counted as 2 minutes.
Note: all calls are subject to our Fair Usage policy: read more here
Validity of outgoing pulse minutes for plans with limited minutes
Daily Limit plans: Outgoing mins limit resets every day at 23:59, no carry over
Other limited plans: Outgoing mins are valid for the duration of the plan period and cannot be carried over to a new plan.
Top-up of outgoing pulse minutes
You can top-up by buying additional outgoing pulse minutes.​
Track your balance on the app
Go to Menu > Plans & Billing on the app
Available outgoing minutes: Unused minutes can be seen here in the Outgoing Mins section. You can see all mins as per your plan limits as well as top-ups purchased.
You can also see past top-ups in the expired section
Used minutes / total minutes: Shows the total used outgoing pulse minutes and the total outgoing minutes since your 1st subscription
Recent usage: Shows the total used outgoing pulse minutes in the recent past

Frequently Asked Questions
Will I get a GST invoice for the top-up outgoing minutes?
Yes, this invoice will be available in the invoices section that can be accessed via the Plans & Billing page.